N3ON’s Net worth, Age, Height, Family, Career, Children, Bio/wiki

N3ON's Net worth, Age, Height, Family, Career, Children, Bio/wiki

Meet N3ON, the prolific gamer who has captured the hearts of millions with his entertaining YouTube channel. At just [age], this rising star has already gained fame and success through his NBA 2k gameplays, 1v1’s, and commentary. With a height of [height], N3ON stands tall as one of the most popular gamers in the online community. But beyond his gaming skills, what else do we know about N3ON?

Who is N3ON?

N3ON is a very calm person who loves playing video games and sharing them on YouTube for people to watch. He is good at a game called NBA 2k, where he plays basketball against other players online. A lot of people, over 800,000, like to watch his videos because he’s fun and good at playing games. He makes videos where he talks about the game and shows himself playing 1v1, which means he plays against one other player at a time. N3ON has made many friends and fans by sharing his gaming adventures online.

Real Name/Full Name N3on
Profession YouTube Star
Famous YouTube Star
Age( in April 2024 ) 19 Years
Date Of Birth/ Birthdate August 13,2004
Birthplace United States
Birth Sign Leo
Nationality/From United States
Gender Male

The celebrity lifestyle of

Being famous like N3ON means having many fans watch your videos and leave lovely comments. It’s like being a superhero but in video games. He can play his favorite game, NBA 2k, and share it with everyone online.

Sometimes, companies might send him cool stuff for free because they want him to show it to his fans. N3ON also meets other gamers and sometimes even plays games with them. It’s a fun life where playing games is part of his job; many people dream about that.

Early Life and Education

When N3ON was a little kid, he went to school every day just like you. School is where kids learn math, reading, and how to be good friends. N3ON liked to play video games after school, and he was good at it. He worked hard in school and also spent time playing his favorite games.

This helped him get better and better at gaming. He always remembered to finish his homework before he played. That’s how he balanced being a student and a gamer.

Real name

That’s right! “N3ON” is a cool name he used on the internet, especially when making videos and playing games. His real name is a secret that he hasn’t shared with everyone.

It’s like having a superhero name! When he’s not being the fantastic gamer N3ON, he has another name that he uses at home and school. But to us and all his fans, he’s always N3ON, the excellent video game player.

N3ON Nationality

N3ON comes from a special place on the map, just like where you might live. This place is called his home country, and it’s where he was born. It’s like how some of us are from different towns or states; N3ON’s home country tells us where his story started. 

 Even though it’s fun to know, N3ON likes to keep some things mysterious, including exactly which country he calls home. This makes him even more interesting because everyone loves a good mystery. It’s like he’s inviting us on an adventure to learn more about him through his gaming videos!

N3ON Parents

Like everyone else, N3ON has critical parents in his life. They are the people who have been with him since he was a tiny baby, helping him grow up to be the excellent gamer we know today. Even though N3ON hasn’t shared much about them, they are super proud of all the cool things he’s doing.

Imagine how fun it must be at their house, with N3ON playing games and maybe even teaching them how to play, too! They must be a pleased family, cheering on N3ON as he makes more and more people smile with his videos.

N3ON Siblings

N3ON might have brothers or sisters, just like you might have siblings to play or argue with sometimes. Having siblings means always having someone to talk to, play games with, or practice your favorite video games against.

We’re curious if N3ON has any siblings because he likes to keep some things private, which is okay. Imagine if he does have siblings; they might be the first ones to try out new games with him or be in his cool videos. That would be pretty fun.

N3ON's Net worth, Age, Height, Family, Career, Children, Bio/wiki


N3ON likes to keep parts of his life private, including information about whether he has a wife or a girlfriend. Like some people choose not to tell everyone who their best friend is, N3ON decides not to share this part of his life with the world.

It’s important to remember that it’s okay for people to keep some things to themselves, even if they are famous. We might not know if he has a special someone, but that’s okay. It’s a part of his life he gets to keep just for him.


Right now, we are still determining if N3ON has any children. He likes to keep some things about his life just for himself, and that’s okay. Like some secrets you might have in a unique diary or with your best friend, N3ON has chosen to keep this part of his life private.

Everyone has things they like to share and things they want to stay just for them, and that’s part of what makes every person unique. So, for now, we can keep enjoying N3ON’s fantastic video game adventures and all the fun he brings to YouTube.

N3ON Age, Height, Weight

N3ON is an excellent gamer you might watch on YouTube. He’s not just famous for his gaming; people are also curious about how old he is, how tall he stands, and what he weighs. But guess what? N3ON likes to keep some things about himself a little secret, including his exact age, height, and weight.

It’s like when you have a special secret you only share with your best friend. So, while we enjoy watching him play games and make awesome videos, some details about him are like a fun mystery that we get to guess!


N3ON is known for being good at a video game called NBA 2k, which is about basketball. He plays this game and other fun games on his YouTube channel, where more than 800,000 people watch him.

He shows how to play games, talks about them, and sometimes plays games against just one other player. This is how he became famous. N3ON loves to share his gaming adventures online, which he does as his job. It’s like he turned his hobby of playing games into a way to work and have fun simultaneously.

Net worth

N3ON has done a great job playing video games and sharing them on YouTube. Because of this, he has made some money, like when you save your allowance for something unique. While we don’t know the exact amount, he has a giant piggy bank for doing what he loves.

This helps him buy new games and cool stuff for his room. It’s pretty neat how playing games and having fun on YouTube can help someone earn money.

N3ON Ethnicity

Ethnicity is like the group of people we belong to, which tells us about our family’s background and where they come from. If you have a favorite type of pizza, your ethnicity tells a story about your family’s favorite traditions and places.

N3ON has his own ethnicity, which shows where his family’s story started. Just like all of us have different stories and favorite things, N3ON’s ethnicity is a part of what makes him unique. But he likes to keep it as his little mystery, which makes learning about him even more fun!

Presence on social media

N3ON loves to share his gaming adventures with everyone on the internet. He uses different social media platforms like YouTube, a significant channel with many videos. You can watch him play games and talk about them.

He also uses other places online where people can see pictures or short videos he shares. This helps him stay connected with his fans, and they can see what new games he’s playing or if he has something fun to tell them. It’s like a big online clubhouse where N3ON and his friends hang out and talk about video games.

N3ON Wikipedia

N3ON is a famous gamer you might know from his YouTube channel. Even though he shares a lot of cool stuff online, you will still need to find a page about him on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a giant online encyclopedia where you can learn about many different things and people

. But only some have their page there. It’s okay, though, because N3ON still shares lots of fun games and videos on his YouTube channel, and maybe one day, he’ll have a Wikipedia page, too! For now, we can keep enjoying his awesome gaming adventures online.

Future Plans

N3ON has lots of exciting ideas for the future! He wants to play even more games and share them with all his friends and fans on YouTube. Imagine all the new adventures he can go on in the games and all the fun videos he will make.

He might even try playing new kinds of games we have yet to see! N3ON also dreams about meeting more of his fans one day, maybe at a big gaming event. Every day, he thinks of ways to make gaming even more fun for everyone watching.


  • Playing video games, especially NBA 2k, where he can shoot hoops and score points.
  • Making videos for his YouTube channel, showing his gaming skills, and discussing games. –
  • Hanging out with his friends online in games and the real world. –
  • Exploring new games to play and share with his fans. –
  • Learning new tricks and tips in games to get even better. –
  • Sometimes, he might enjoy watching movies or reading about new video games.
  • He also might like to draw or create things when he’s not playing games.


– What games does N3ON like to play?
He loves NBA 2k and lots of other fun video games. 

Has N3ON shared his real name?
No, he likes to keep it a secret and uses N3ON online. 

Where is N3ON from?
He has yet to tell us his home country; it’s a mystery!

Does N3ON have any brothers or sisters?
We’re still determining whether he keeps his family life private.

Is N3ON married, or does he have kids?
He hasn’t shared about having a wife or children. 

How can I watch N3ON’s videos?
Check out his YouTube channel for all his gameplays!


So, we’ve learned a lot about N3ON, the excellent gamer who loves to play NBA 2k and share it with everyone. He keeps some things private, like a superhero with a secret identity, but he shares his gaming world. N3ON has made many friends and fans by playing games and having fun on YouTube. He dreams of someday playing more games and meeting some of his fans. Let’s keep watching his adventures and see where he goes next!


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